Tips for Educators

Summer For Teachers: Five Best Ways To Relax And Recharge During Vacation

  • Jul 12, 2022
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 Summer For Teachers: Five Best Ways To Relax And Recharge During Vacation

The role of a teacher is demanding, and thus, so are the stressors – whether it be the pressure to perform, finding time to master learning objectives or strike a work-life-balance. According to a study by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), teachers endure greater job-related stress than other professionals. The study further stated the number of pupils assigned to each teacher is rising; more teachers are quitting the profession (one in five teachers feel tensed about their job most or all of the time). 

After spending the year juggling everyone's needs but their own, summer-time is indeed the best time for teachers to sit back and enjoy a well-deserved break. While taking some extra courses for personal and professional development is a brilliant idea, it's important to remember that having a relaxed summer break will help in having a refreshing academic year. 

Below is a summer checklist of five ways teachers can make the most of their vacation -

1. Special Effort For Yourself

Get yourself a massage. Visit the park. Make an effort to nurture and care for yourself. Taking care of your body, mind and soul is critical to living a happy and full life, and it will help you refresh and restart for the coming academic year.

2. Pursue Hobbies

As educators, all of your time is taken up by lesson planning, grading and teaching while the school year is in full swing. Use this summer to try something new. Learn how to knit a blanket, cook a new meal, or play an instrument. Not only is it a powerful antidote to teaching-related stress, but you'll also be able to share your new talent with your students. 

3. Connect With Your Colleagues

As a teacher, it’s important to maintain a culture of inclusiveness and trust. And that requires relationships within the workplace. Having a team lunch or a get-together with your colleagues helps in staying connected to them even during the summer vacation. Exchanging your thoughts with your fellow teachers is also a great way of preparing you for the new academic year. 

4. Exercise

Working out is a great way to relax and unwind. A study by researchers at the University of British Columbia found that physical training improves the cognitive functioning and memory of older adults. Summer break is your chance to get into a new healthy routine that you can carry into the school year. Many gyms and yoga studios offer a teacher discount or a summer special. Be sure to ask. If not, there are also many workout videos on YouTube that you can try at home. So, put on your yoga pants and get started. 

5. Travel

Getting out of your town, state or country during the academic year can be difficult, so plan it during summer. A plethora of travel opportunities await educators each year. For instance, fellowships, workshops, and seminars can provide you with intellectually stimulating learning opportunities while on the road. Travelling also opens your mind to new perspectives, which might come in handy in the classroom when citing real-world examples. 

Keep a healthy balance this summer of work and play, and you will be rested, recharged and ready to go back to work with renewed enthusiasm. Don’t feel guilty about making time for yourself. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty glass. So, make sure you are refilling that glass this summer so you’re ready for your new class of students.

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