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Oman's Education Ministry has launched a trial application of the E-Preparation Platform

  • Mar 24, 2023
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 Oman's Education Ministry has launched a trial application of the E-Preparation Platform

The Al Buraimi Governorate's Directorate General of Education has launched an electronic preparation training programme for 250 senior teachers, school administrators, educational supervisors, and information system specialists from educational schools.

According to the Ministry of Education, the training program started with a review of two working papers on 'Introducing the Electronic Preparation Platform System' and 'Practical Applications on the Platform' at the computer labs of Al-Khwarizmi Primary School and Hafsa Bint Sereen Primary School Education. As part of this program, Sultan bin Khaled Al-Yarubi, Head of the Systems Management Department, AbduIlah bin Jaafar Al-Ajmi, Head of the Systems Selection and Analysis Department, and Khalid bin Salem Al-Jabri, an information systems specialist from the Directorate General of Information Technology, will provide direct training on the platform. 

The project's pilot application primarily aims to train teachers, school administrators, educational supervisors, and systems specialists on how to utilize the electronic preparation platform system. It seeks to enhance the educational sector and strengthen the platform's implementation by utilising e-learning technology strategies and tools, as well as communication and information technology in the fields of teaching. Also, it will improve participation among teachers and supervisors in the area of electronic preparation by facilitating the follow-up process for everyday instructional activities based on various levels of follow-up.

Electronic preparation is defined by the Ministry as a new digital window for developing and facilitating tasks for teachers, improving professional performance, and developing the educational supervision system. This programme is being implemented in light of the Ministry of Education's national cooperation and partnership with several private sector institutions offering assistance for digital initiatives in education through the electronic preparation platform project.

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