Digital Innovation
The Ultimate Guide To Leveraging A Digital Classroom
- Nov 22, 2021
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- 978

The concept of digital classrooms is relatively new in the realm of education. Gone are the days of screeching chalkboards and noisy classrooms. We’ve entered a new age, and the students are loving it. Digital technology has completely transformed education. From Zoom classrooms to online whiteboards, the shift is undeniable. But as a tutor, how do you leverage it?
Well, the first order of business is to recognize the difference between digital and physical classrooms. Don’t make the mistake of repurposing all of your learning material for an online environment. You need to make it from scratch. Personalisation should be a priority when you’re tutoring online. This is because students get easily distracted in digital classrooms. So, ask your students how they like to be taught and keep that in mind when you’re developing presentations.
But, personalisation is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to leveraging a digital classroom. By tweaking your teaching methods and adopting new techniques, you can ensure that students get the most out of their learning experience.
So, how do you do that? Here are four tips to assist you in this area -
1. Use of Effective Technology to Improve Interaction
In most cases, how you do something has much more value than what you do. Similarly, it’s not really about which learning tool you use. What matters is how effectively you use it.
There are a host of great messaging tools that you should probably consider as an online tutor. For example, apps like Remind and BloomzApp can go a long way in helping you communicate with all your students, provide feedback and assign homework. These tools even enhance the experience of parent-teacher meetings.
2. More Collaboration
Where have you seen the most engaged and interested students? Chances are that you’d find them in a session that focuses on group discussion. This is because interaction and collaboration between peers is an integral aspect of engaged learning. You can use tools that allow you to make a specific space to post resources, notes, and assignments. That way students can interact with their peers and get comfortable in a group study setting.
3. Spark Active Discussions
Just like physical classrooms, you need to arrange brainstorming sessions and debates to keep your class fun and interesting. Discussions like these will encourage students to share their ideas and voice their opinions. Not only does this help boost their self-esteem, but it also introduces fresh perspectives to the classroom as a whole.
4. Go for the Visuals
Sometimes, children can get lost in their own worlds. And it can be hard for tutors to bring them back. This is why you need to focus on catching their eye with your learning material. You can do this by adding some funky graphics, bold colours, infographics and even a couple of videos.
Technology has made learning experiences so much more fun and interactive. So, take full advantage of it. Make a list of potential tools that you can use, and think about how they will help you engage with your students more. This will help you level up as a tutor, so you can stand out of the crowd.
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