Digital Innovation
Building The Case For Social Media In Education
- Nov 22, 2021
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- 1205

Since its inception, social media has played an integral role in our everyday life. From revolutionising the way we communicate to providing a platform for growing businesses, it has addressed a host of our needs, including the educational ones.
The need for tech-enabled education has become all the more vital in today’s post-pandemic world. In order to stay ahead of the game, it is important to adopt digital teaching styles for your students; and social media is the perfect place to start.
As a tutor, you can use social media as a tool in your arsenal in a number of ways -
- enhancing tutor-student rapport,
- building communities,
- improving engagement and much more.
So, does that mean that the world of “traditional education” is dwindling? Not necessarily.
Traditional education, like movie theatres, is here to stay. However, social media is a great system that can be used to amplify its effectiveness.
Are you looking to engage your students better and monitor their progress in real-time? If you are, then social media might be the answer to your prayers.
How Can Social Media Help You?
The changemakers in the education sector are the ones who ensure students are completely engaged in their learning journey. They achieve this by adopting new-age teaching tools like social media.
Let’s dive into a few ways through which social media can help you teach:
1. Creating a Learning Blueprint
Social media platforms can help you measure the learning ability of your students, while identifying areas of improvement. For instance, if you want to identify the level of math proficiency in each of your students, all you need to do is create a poll for them. This provides a streamlined approach to understand who is good at math, and who isn’t. With this information, you can easily develop a learning blueprint that is personalised to each student. This would be very difficult and time consuming, if done in class.
2. Building a Strong Sense of Community
The great Henry Ford once said “If everyone is moving together, then success takes care of itself.” Social media can foster a strong sense of community among students. It encourages them to collaborate with each other on social media groups and pages to complete their homework or solve a challenge, guaranteeing they are a team that is destined for success.
3. Ensuring Timely Support
Social media can be used to provide both academic and non-academic support to the students. You can help students and parents on a real-time basis, by answering their doubts through chat systems. Another approach would be to host live webinars and Q&A sessions for students.
4. Sharing Information Beyond the Subject Matter
Do you want to share videos that use animations to teach a concept? Or, would you like to share a puzzle that tests students’ abilities to apply the concept they learned? Social media makes it very easy to share content with the student community with a single click of a button.
In essence, social media gives you a platform to channelise all your energy and experience for the benefit of your students. Adapting to the changing needs of today’s new cohort of learners is essential to set yourself apart as a good tutor. Introducing social media in education can help you do this by encouraging your students to learn, instead of mindlessly scrolling through their feed.
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