Tips for Educators

7 Ways To Deal With A Child Who Hates Studying

  • May 6, 2022
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 7 Ways To Deal With A Child Who Hates Studying

"Help, my child isn't interested in studying." It sounds like a common problem, right? Students prefer scrolling through social media and playing online games with their friends instead of doing their homework or learning something new. The nagging from parents and tutors further pushes them away from academics. It’s no surprise they might be unwilling to stay confined in a classroom where the teacher drones on about things like The Great Depression or calculus. 

40% of high school students feel unmotivated in classrooms and disinterested in studying. Is there a way to teach the same "boring subject" in an exciting way? Yes, there is! But how can a teacher create an enjoyable learning environment for their students? Here are seven ways to make your students fall in love with studying.

1. Add Mystery To Your Lessons

Learning is the most fun when you’re left with a feeling of suspense about what you’ll learn in class. Try to incorporate surprise and mystery into your topics. When you're about to begin a new lesson, offer students a new clue each day on lessons they will learn the next day so they feel curious to see what’s in store. 

2. Don't Stick To The Books

While it is essential to abide by textbook material, you must try not to repeat it word-for-word because it can make students feel further disinterested. Try introducing a review game during which you present the concepts in a different manner from the first time you taught the students. Perhaps you can teach chemistry by taking the students to the lab or biology by exploring the campus and studying the life cycle of the trees and flowers.

3. Create Classroom Games

Games make learning fun and gamification class can help students retain information quicker. Games are also a great way to encourage students to interact with you. For instance, if your students need to learn how to spell words correctly, conduct a spelling bee. If you want to teach them math, you can play a numbers game where they learn addition or multiplication.

4. Give Your Students Choices

Choice can be a powerful tool as it helps foster students’ interest and independence. One sure-fire technique teachers have found efficient is offering their students the chance to have their own preferences when it comes to picking a learning style. You can read more about learning styles in our article here. The next time you're conducting an activity, make a choice board where students can mark their answers. Take their opinions into account and tailor your teaching approach accordingly. 

5. Incorporate Technology

Introducing technology in the classroom is an innovative way to keep your lessons enjoyable. Students are fascinated with electronics, so incorporate them into your teaching methodology. Instead of teaching reading lessons out loud to your students, use a smartboard instead. You can also play interactive videos on the topic you’re teaching. By leveraging online tools in the classroom, you'll see the interest level of your students increase by leaps and bounds.

6. Make Your Lessons Interactive

Make learning interactive by planning hands-on activities that involve students at every step of the way. Use a cooperative learning approach where students work together in groups to achieve a common goal. After they’ve completed the activity, ask them to present their learnings to the class. When you make your lessons practical instead of theoretical, your class becomes more interesting.

7. Relate Material to Your Students' Lives

Try to build a real-world connection to the lessons you teach. This will give students a clearer understanding of why they need to know what you're teaching. If they constantly ask you why they need to understand a boring concept like economics, don’t dismiss them because you will soon lose credibility in their eyes. Instead, try giving them an accurate answer - "You're learning about economics because, in the real world, you'll need to know how to best use your money to buy food and pay your bills." By giving an accurate answer, you're helping them make a connection between what they're learning in class and how they'll use this information in the future.

You must ensure students look forward to your classes, instead of dreading them every day. Introduce an approach that encourages students to resonate with your material. After all, creating a holistic learning environment is the ultimate win-win for you and your students both.

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