For Parents

5 Reasons Why Hybrid Learning Is The Future For GCC Schools

  • Aug 3, 2022
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 5 Reasons Why Hybrid Learning Is The Future For GCC Schools

The Covid-19 pandemic threw a huge curveball at the education system. With social distancing as the new norm, e-learning became the only option. After two years of online-only education, GCC schools and colleges have now started reopening with a hybrid mode of functioning. 

Even though 95% of children feel online learning is more effective, nothing can match the face-to-face learning experience. To ensure your children have a well-rounded education, they need to physically interact with teachers and participate in extracurricular activities. 

The ideal solution, keeping in mind both children’s needs and quality of education, is hybrid learning – the combination of in-person and online education. Around 70% of children claimed they got better results in a hybrid learning environment, rather than the traditional offline mode of learning. Here are five reasons why hybrid learning is the future for GCC schools: 

1. Effective Method Of Learning

A published research report shows hybrid learning enhances overall student engagement and makes the learning process easier. Additionally, a personalised learning experience improves average academic performances in math and reading. 

2. Keeps Students Updated

A hybrid mode of learning allows students to stay at home. 85% of parents find this helpful because they want their children to be able to attend classes virtually when they’re sick, so important lessons aren’t missed.  

3. Highly Accessible

The biggest plus of online teaching is the ability to deliver quality education to students sitting in the farthest corners of the world. With hybrid learning, children are able to access education wherever they are, in a cost-effective way.

4. Caters To Teacher Shortage

The UAE is facing a shortage of teachers and hybrid learning can tackle this problem. Online live classes don’t have a limit on the number of students, which means hundreds of students can attend a single session. 

5. Promotes Self-Learning 

It’s the era of self-learning, where students are becoming more conscious of their goals. A hybrid mode of learning allows students to study at their own pace through access to class recordings and digital study resources. This ensures effective knowledge retention. By adapting hybrid learning, students can also save precious study time without the daily commute. 

82% of students choose hybrid learning over traditional schooling and the reasons are quite evident. With technology, learning has become more engaging and efficient. Other perks – like accessibility for the remote sub-urban learners and personalised learning experience – add up to make the hybrid mode of schooling even more promising.

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