For Parents

4 activities you can do with children to conserve nature

  • Dec 9, 2022
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 4 activities you can do with children to conserve nature

"Nature is a tool to get your children to experience not just the wilder world, but themselves." Stephen Moss 

Children are born curious; they like to explore the nature around them, which can have a profound positive impact on their mental and physical health. So, as parents, you can take the opportunity to foster in them a concern for nature and help them develop sustainable habits at an early age. 

Sustainability is a big idea, but it doesn't have to be heavy on children; it essentially comes down to knowing our impact on the planet and what we leave for future generations. 

So, here are five activities you can do with your children to teach them to conserve nature:

1. DIY Compost Bin

Making a compost bin with your kids is the best approach to educating them about recycling and reusing. It also allows for the learning of lots of concepts, such as biodegradation, soil fertility, and the importance of insects and worms. To make a compost bin, you will need:

1) A large plastic bin with a lid (can be a trash bin or storage bin)

2) Waste papers

3) Soil

4) Dried leaves, twigs, and sticks

5) Household waste, like food scraps (avoid using meat, dairy, and pet waste)

First, drill 8 to 10 holes in the bottom of the bin, the lid, and the sides of the plastic container to let air in and allow extra water to drain out. Fill the bottom of the bin with shredded waste papers, and then fill it with some soil, dried leaves, twigs, and sticks. Now you can bury kitchen waste like vegetable scraps, eggshells, and ground coffee leftovers in that soil. Add some water and cover. Stir the compost once a week. Eventually, in a month's time, the mixture will turn all brown and crumble. It is now ready to be used for the healthy growth of plants and trees.

2. Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a fun nature-inspired activity for children that provides an excellent excuse to explore a nearby park or neighborhood. Through this, they will have an opportunity to learn more about nature through observation, play, and exploration. You can create your list of items, such as finding a yellow leaf, a beetle, a bird, etc., and choose a location where your kids can discover most of the items on it. Tell your kids to look for the listed items and mark what they find on the list. To add some more fun, you can ask them to capture a photo for evidence. After the hunt, encourage them to discuss the adventures and interesting things they've observed.

3. DIY bird feeder

Making bird feeders with your kids will give them a sense of responsibility. 

For this, you will need 4 things: 

Peanut butter
Bird seeds
A foil pan
An empty toilet paper roll

Pour the seeds into the foil pan, which can be used as a work surface. Ask your kids to spread a thick layer of peanut butter across the cardboard roll with a spoon or knife. Birds love peanut butter, so ask your kids to spread it generously. After they're done coating, press the roll firmly as you roll it in the foil pan filled with bird seeds. Now simply slide the peanut butter bird feeder onto a twig, and then tie a string on both ends of the twig. Find a perfect branch to hang your yummy peanut butter bird feeder. And you can encourage your kids to make a list of every feathered friend that visits the feeder, including details like the bird's colors and size.

4. Plant a tree 

It is never too early to encourage your kids to plant a tree. Children find planting trees and caring for them as they grow to be rewarding projects. It will allow them to learn about more trees, like how trees are an essential component of our ecosystem and how they can provide shelter for different species of birds and insects. Choose a local tree species to plant because it will adapt best to the soil and environment. Native fruit trees are a fantastic choice since they produce fruit, allowing children to witness the outcome of their labour. Also, choose a suitable spot in your yard or neighborhood where a tree can get sufficient sunlight to grow. 

Children are our future, and it is crucial to make them conscious of the environment so that they can make sustainable choices as they grow up. Moreover, when children are motivated to become more involved in their communities through environmental education, it fosters their critical and creative thinking abilities.

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