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Abu Dhabi International Private School
17 17 Al Kamasha St - Al Manhal - Abu Dhabi - United Arab EmiratesAl Kamasha St
Student Development
Attributes by which the institute is measured by the local educational regulator.
Islamic Education
An aggregate of Islamic Education, Arabic, Math, English and Science
Personal development
Student's personal development skills
Social Development
Understanding of Islamic Values and awareness of Emirati and world cultures
Innovation Skills
Social responsibility and innovation skills
Teaching for effective learning
Teaching Skills
Curriculum design and implementation
Curriculum adaptation
Health And Safety
including arrangements for child protection/ safeguarding
Care and support
Support for students
The effectiveness of leadership
Leadership and management related
Self-evaluation and improvement planning
Leadership and management related
Parents and the community
Leadership and management related
Management, staffing, facilities and resources
Leadership and management related
Leadership and management related
Read the complete report
To know more about institution’s Student Development metrics.