Tips for Educators

5 Steps To Practice Emotional Intelligence While Teaching

  • Dec 15, 2021
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 5 Steps To Practice Emotional Intelligence While Teaching

IQ tests have been around for a long time. If a student gets a higher score on an IQ test, it is automatically assumed that they’re smarter than the rest. So it comes as no surprise to hear that schools tend to focus on improving their students’ intelligence quotient (IQ). But what about their emotional quotient? Frankly speaking, a student’s EQ is just as important as their academic abilities. A good emotional quotient indicates the ability to empathise with others and manage emotions to overcome challenges, which is crucial for children to succeed in life.

This is why many academic institutions today are incorporating emotional intelligence into their curriculum. As tutors and parents, you can also help your children improve on their emotional intelligence. All you need to do is practice it yourself when you teach them. 

5 Tips To Bring Emotional Intelligence Into the Classroom

While empathy is generally considered to be an inherent ability, children can learn to be empathetic as well. Here are a few tips, if you want to help your children develop a foundation of social and emotional intelligence:

1. Encourage Eye Contact

It is important to create a mind-body connection while practicing emotional intelligence. We feel more valued when the person talking to us makes eye contact. So, remind your children to interact in this way whenever they communicate. Not only will this make the class more interactive, but it will help children develop self-confidence while speaking. 

2. Notice Postures & Gestures

There are a few universal gestures, hand movements, and postures that will help you understand how children are feeling at a particular time. For example, if they’re uncomfortable, they’ll probably start fidgeting or shuffling their feet. So, try to keep an eye out for these warning signs and address them as soon as possible. If you are emotionally attentive, your children will automatically follow your lead and become more sensitive to other people’s emotions.

3. Teach Children the Importance of Giving Back

Teach your children about charitable giving. You can talk about how you donated some of your old clothes and toys to the local orphanage. Give them a homework assignment that asks them to plant a tree in their backyard. These little acts of charity can help them learn how to give back to the community and they will, in turn, develop the intrinsic values that come with it.

4. Allow Students to Make Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s human nature. But it is also important to learn from them. So, whenever your child does something wrong, make sure to point it out. Don’t chide them or raise your voice. Instead, speak to them nicely and make them understand the problem. It takes time for children to differentiate right from wrong, so remember to be patient with them. This form of feedback will go a long way in building their emotional intelligence.

5. Encourage Children to Think About the Bigger Picture

Life doesn’t always go according to plan, right? We know and accept this, but the same can’t be said for our children. This is where the learning comes in. Make it a point to tell your children that they won’t always get what they want. This will make them more receptive to conflict resolution and resilience. By practicing solutions within a safe space, children will be able to see the bigger picture and how they can make other people happy with a little compromise. 

It’s not always the smartest people who are the most successful. A good IQ might be able to get your child into a good university, but it is their EQ that will help them adapt and grow. So, keep that in mind and ensure that you nurture the development of both.

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