For Parents
5 Ways To Help Your Child With Their Homework
- Mar 28, 2022
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- 1099

Homework isn't about sitting for hours slouched over a table. Teachers believe that out-of-class learning ensures that your child understands and retains concepts better. But without your support as a parent, this might not be the case.
Of course, the solution isn't doing your child's homework. But being there for them, helping with the smallest of issues, guiding and motivating your children can do a lot. In addition, your active participation in your child's homework shows them that it is an important task that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
You can further encourage your child by giving them study and organisation tips. Whether it’s encouraging children to take ownership of their tasks or assisting them in managing their time; you can help your child in numerous ways.
Schoolwork is an important part of your children’s educational process, and your involvement means a lot to them. So, here are five effective methods that you can use to help your child with their homework.
1. Make a Schedule
Some children like to finish off their homework right after school. In contrast, others tend to favour unwinding or eating first and then doing their study work afterwards. Allow your children to decide what their schedule will look like, but make sure they adhere to it. Create an appropriate time and location for homework assignments - preferably somewhere with few distractions. Motivate them to abide by this daily schedule and try to make studies an integral part of their lives. This is an excellent way to build healthy study habits.
2. Provide Professional Guidance
We've all been stumped at times. It’s completely normal, and it’s bound to happen to your children too. In such cases, ensure that beneficial resources are readily accessible for your child when required. This may include school-provided communication services, classroom online help, or you. Your children should always feel free to raise a doubt. You can also look for other sources like a homework club or local libraries to get recommended books. Joining online extra classes or courses can also prove to be of great help.
3. Help Them Make To-Do Lists
Studying numerous topics and subjects can be perplexing. Give your child a planner with to-do lists and show them how to organise and prioritise coursework. This will help them come up with a well-thought-out study plan. It also distributes the workload into bite-sized chunks if they have tonnes of homework or a particularly big assignment to finish. Make a timeline for their project and study hours. Don't forget to remind them to take small 5-minute breaks every 25 minutes, if feasible.
4. Inculcate Study Habits
Assist your child in developing good study habits and a willingness to work hard. Exams and projects necessitate extensive planning. Offer strategies and suggestions that will lead to the desired high-quality results. You can also inculcate study habits by reading together with them. Or prepare quick quizzes to test what they've learnt. Teach them the importance of discipline, organisation and time management to make their learning process efficient.
5. Appreciate Little Achievements
Being a monitor and a motivator encourages the child to move forward and be brave. Inquire about class competitions, olympiads, etc. Appreciate their little wins, whether it is academic or co-curricular activities. Be it giving the right answer in class discussions or cracking the term-end examination; parents must recognise the effort children put in. So, if they've aced a test, celebrate their achievements with them. If they haven't, explain the importance of learning from mistakes instead of scolding them. After all, your child shouldn't be scared to tell you if they messed up on any test.
Being supportive in your child's daily schoolwork and properly guiding them is extremely important for their academic progression. So, set up a homework-friendly workstation and minimise distractions. Assist them in homework, but remember they should also be self-sufficient. When parents involve themselves in a child's learning process, it gives children a feeling of motivation, appreciation and love. So, be the homework-mate for your child and see them propel towards success!
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