Understanding Concepts
4 Easy Ways To Combat Information Overload When You've Missed Out On School
- May 25, 2022
- 0
- 1038

Be it sick days, family trips or inter-school competitions, missing out on school can potentially lead to a bad case of information overload. Research shows the difference in math grades between students who did not miss school and those who missed over ten days of school was close to two-thirds of a standard deviation. Sometimes it feels like in the little time you were absent, your teachers have covered an entire semester of material. Simply put, information overload is when you are faced with more information than you can process. Read on for four easy ways to combat information overload when you’ve been missing out on school. Let’s approach this concept in military fashion!
1. Gather Intel
This might seem counter-intuitive: using information to combat information overload. But, you need to catch up on everything you missed at some point, right? Might as well do it in a systematic and organized manner. Before you begin to tackle work that has piled up during your absence, you need to answer the following questions -
- For which subjects are assignments due?
- What are the deadlines for each of them?
- What topics were taught when you were absent?
When you answer these three questions, your mind will be at peace. Sometimes our biggest fear comes from not knowing the amount of work left pending.
2. Find A Good Source
Teachers are a great source of information most of us tend to overlook. When we ask friends, there are higher chances of a clash in direction. For example, a few of your friends may have paid more attention in class, so they heard instructions completely different from students who found it harder to focus. Avoid this mess and ask the source.
Approach your teacher after school hours, during breaks or via email to talk to them about your challenges. Clarify you had missed out on school work and you would like their help in filling your learning gaps. Ask them about deadlines, expectations, assignment formats (font types, index, among others) and the mode of submission (email/handwritten). Request references or reading material shared with the class during your absence. Or, even ask for additional material for your sole reference. Some teachers may send you back to your friends. If they do, take note of your friends' versions of the instructions and cross-check them with your teacher.
3. Battle Strategies Are Important
Look at the list of assignment deadlines, arrange them according to the submission date and visually present them as a calendar. This will give you a cohesive plan to tackle the work you’ve missed. If you find yourself confused about what should be next on your to-do list, all you need to do is glance at your calendar and you’ll immediately know what assignment you should start next.
4. Have An Ally
Suggest an arrangement with your teachers and friends where they hold you accountable and track your progress. Be honest when they check in. If you are not performing as you wanted or can’t meet deadlines, don’t hesitate to talk about your struggles and let them help.
Information overload can be overwhelming when you’re recovering from a bad cold. The thought of pending work waiting for you at the other end of your family trip is also enough to dull all the fun. With these tips, we’re sure you’ll come out on top of things. Good luck!
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